March on Washington
Genital Integrity Awareness Week
Saturday - April 4, 2020 - 4:00
U.S. Capitol West Lawn - The White House
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The GIAW March from the U.S. Capitol West Lawn to the White House will take place at 4:00pm sharp. Please find prior itinerary details here.
The march will be escorted by Washington D.C. police, and guidelines (below) are in place to ensure the safety of everyone involved and that the march flows effectively. The march route is approximately 2 miles in length, and tends to take about 1 hour from the time we start walking.
Important Points & Guidelines:
1) There will be 2 brief group photos taken at 2:30 sharp.
If you would like to participate, please be at the US Capitol West Lawn GIAW area no later than 2pm. The first group photo will be of everyone in front of the Capitol without any signs, the second group photo will have signs and banners.
2) March line-up is essential to maintain a pace that is appropriate for everyone involved (children included) and to ensure D.C. Police are able to keep an eye on babies and children transversing traffic. The line-up for the march is also established in such a way that it depicts a chronological timeline of events from babyhood (when RIC is most commonly performed in the U.S.) through adulthood (when adult must reconcile with violations of their bodies so many years before). Please be aware of the line-up and plan to join in the march accordingly.
► Front: Capitol police escort; GIAW Permit holding individuals.
► Second: Parents wearing babies or pushing strollers, pulling wagons. It is the children and parents wearing/pushing babies, along with police escorts, who will set the march pace, and it will be *SLOW* (see point #3 below for details).
► Third: Families without babies/strollers.
► Fourth: Adults marching without children.
3) Note that pacing for the march is SLOW. This may be frustrating for those who wish to keep a fast march pace, but is ideal for a demonstrative march -- it allows people to pause and SEE what it is we are marching for. Cars wait, and people read signs. Police will block intersections, so there is no need to rush to cross the street. It is best to keep a slight distance between you and the person in front of you so that your sign is SEEN. Turn it to face traffic or pedestrians who are reading. Hand literature to people we pass on the sidewalk, or tuck an info card under windshield wipers along the way. Be prepared to march at this slow pace; bring water bottles, snacks, and PATIENCE.
Marching/spacing: When on the street, we are only allowed to use the rightmost lane for walking. Please stay in this lane (or the sidewalk if you need to step away) - do not block traffic in the left lanes, as it is not within legal permits to do so and someone could be hit. Traffic must be able to flow in the left lanes. If on the sidewalk (police determine this at time of the march) police will block intersections to cross.
4) Remember that we are a diverse group of individuals marching together for the common goal of genital autonomy for all. We will each have different ways of demonstrating and various personalities that are expressed in our march efforts. However, it is key that we remain respectful of each other, the movement, and the Washington D.C. property. Remember that you will reach more people along the route by information planting and compassionate dialog vs. yelling at people. D.C. law does not permit attacking or screaming at tourists, so please be responsible in your words and actions. The GIAW march is a FAMILY FRIENDLY, positive event.
5) Once at the White House you can stand on the roadway with your sign, or sit on the curb that is adjacent to the White House by the park. If you are on the sidewalk directly in front of the White House fence, you MUST KEEP MOVING if you have a sign in your hands. You cannot stand still on the White House sidewalk with a sign or banner in hand. This is a D.C. White House permit law - do not break it or White House police will have you leave.
6) GIAW leaders are staying at the White House until dusk. You are welcome to stay as late as you wish, and march back to the Capitol area with us after, or you can drop off your borrowed sign to David's wagon at any point before leaving. There is a metro stop not far from the White House at G and 12th NW (Metro Central). The closest bathrooms are located in the park (across from the White House) which close at 5pm, or at McDonalds a few blocks beyond the White House (walk to your RIGHT when facing the White House and you will find McDonalds on the corner 3 blocks away).
7) Return all signs to David's wagon. If you wish to keep the sign you carried, give $20 for its replacement to David Wilson, Christina Heydecke, Karen Glennon, Brian Brown, or Danelle Day.
Please message the GIAW Facebook page or email the GIAW Board of Directors at with questions or concerns.