GIAW 2014 Sponsors
Please visit and support these intact-friendly businesses and groups!
Placenta encapsulation specialists and training globally.
Local services and meetings from PBi's founder in Las Vegas, NV.
Butterfly Family Support Services
Counseling and lactation services with a focus on the prenatal and postpartum periods.
Serving families in Omaha, Nebraska and surrounding areas.
Professional photography in Griswold, Jewett City and surrounding areas of Connecticut.
Hampton Roads Placenta Encapsulation
Serving expecting and new mothers in Hampton Roads, Virginia and surrounding areas.
Serving families in Howell, Michigan and surrounding areas.
Know Better, Do Better Birth Services
Serving families in Northern Virginia and surrounding areas.
Mt. Hope Herb Farm and Greenhouse
Hope, Michigan
Public Page | Private Discussion Group
Public Page | Private Discussion Group
Fleece shorts, pants, reusable snack bags, wet bags, pail liners, breast pads and more!
Universal App for iPad and iPhone
✰ Life Blooms Birth Services
Serving families in Livonia, Michigan and surrounding areas
✰ New Life Images
(business link currently unavailable)
Professional cleaning in Virginia Beach, Virginia and surrounding areas.
GIAW Individual Sponsors
Nick B.
Danelle D.
Amber C.
"In honor of Collin, who I couldn't save."
Jessica S.
"In honor of my three brothers; because I was protected and they were not."
Vivi M.
"Celebrating Phineas ~ the first boy to be intact in many generations."
Dana C.
"In honor of the babies we have not been able to save, but those whose suffering we will not forget."
Erin D.
"In honor of the two boys I tried so hard to save, but failed."
Danielle H.
"In honor of the boy I circumcised with my own two hands before I knew better.
It is the biggest regret of my life. Thankfully, I knew better before I had a son of my own."
Erin B.
Gillian L.
Elizabeth P.
"I'm giving toward GIAW because I cannot be there this year and I'm so grateful to those who will be there advocating!
And also because you saved MY son - in hopes that this can save another sweet boy."
Craig A.
Danielle O.
Amanda S.
Candice Y.
Kari O.
Courtney J.
Nancy J.
Christina K.
Lindsey M.
Dana G.
"For my brother, who was not protected, while I was."
Brian T.
"Your mission impacts millions. We hope to help in some small way."
Larry M.
Meghan N-P.
Kenneth S.
Gary H.
Robberto P.
Louise R.
Emily B.
"Everyone ought to have the right to inhabit the body they were born with. Let's spread the word!"
Sarah V.
Gary B.
Dolores S.
Greg R.
Jennifer C.
Heather R.
Kathryn C.
Amanda H.
Tabitha M.
Christina L.
Virginia M.
Candice A.
Taryn M.
Carrie D.
Marigrace M.
Jennifer E.
Tabitha M.
Elizabeth S.
Jessica S.
"In honor of our beautiful, intact son, Harlan."
Cody B.