Weather in Washington D.C. during March and April can be unpredictable.
Most days are spent educating on the lawn in sunny, mild conditions. However, sweatshirts, jackets, and a hat, gloves and scarf are good ideas to have on hand for early evenings as the sun begins to set.
We could face rain for a couple hours, and then see a hot, sunny duration of the day. Two years we faced atypical snow during GIAW! Several years sunblock was needed.
The key is to come prepared for anything and layer clothes - especially for children. How the weather appears when you leave your hotel in the morning is not likely to be how the weather is for the duration of the day.
Stay up to date on weather related events while at GIAW by joining the GIAW Discussion Group on Facebook when you are in town. Message the GIAW Facebook page, or ask a friend to add you to the group.